Monday, January 9, 2012

Crafting Hindsight

Welcome to my new blog.  I don't think of myself as the type of guy who would normally blog, email and social networking seem good enough, yet with a little prodding from my Educational Technology 5410 class here I am starting out the new year with a new adventure.  5410 is my second class on my way to a graduate certificate in Educational Technology and my hope is that along the way I'll pick up something useful to add here, to paraphrase Bill Cosby "If we're not careful, we might just learn something." 

I started a bit out-of-order and late in the game for Fall semester registration, so I took EDT 6450 first and it was a great way to transition back into school.  It was challenging, requiring some forethought and planning, but nothing insurmountable.  Looking back over the past semester I'm a bit pleased with what I've learned, but moreover I feel a serious sense of gratitude to the people who let me ask questions and gain access to knowledge and experiences that helped me with my projects.  Without them I wouldn't have survived.  This I will take forward and remember for the future if someone comes to me to ask a question or gain insight.

I was very nervous about grad school, but now with one class tucked under my belt I'm feeling more excited than nervous for the future.  One cannot look back if they don't proceed forward, so come on, let's craft some hindsight.

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